Friday, July 16, 2010

off to swim in the mediterranean :]

today in class i was really thrown off because my professor announced to the class that i look like the singer "kesha." ok.... not a huge compliment because she is kinda a crazy person, and personally, i think she looks weird. oh well, im sure my professor meant for it to be a compliment....hehe.
but....i can attribute the song "your love is my drug" to her- which has been stuck in my head for about a week now since all they play in stores over here is american music ;)
we went out for these awesome fruity drinks tonight that were HUGE. wow. so filling. luckily i had monica to help me with it.
while we were there, i had to use the bathroom.... but shoot.... i forgot... sometimes bathrooms here dont have toilet paper... like, they just dont provide it. so, they say its always a good idea to bring toilet paper with you when you go out. well, i guess i forgot to pack my toilet paper because i definately needed it tonight when i went to the bathroom. luckily allison was outside the door waiting (because did i mention, there was no lock on the door? haha) and i said " there any toilet paper....?" and she goes, "nope. nada. here ya go!" and i turn around and her little hand is propped into the stall with some napkins in it. hahahaha! "allison! where did you get these?!" she replied, "oh, i carry them around in my purse for times like these! take them!" thanks for saving my butt allison, literally ;)
tonight i had to say goodbye to my girls from greece. i definately shed a few tears. they are two of the sweetest girls i have ever known. i told them i would come visit them in greece as soon as i can. next stop, perhaps? ;)
now i have to leave for the night as monica and i have some packing to do for this weekend. we are going to a little beach city right on the southern coast of spain called "nerja." it is supposedly one of the most beautiful beaches in spain to visit. can't wait. as if i havent seen enough beautiful places here. so time for some R&R and sun tanning. swimsuit and A LOT of sunblock: check.
mediterannean sea - here i come.

1 comment:

  1. things i love about this post:

    1. that your professor thought you looked like kesha. i agree, i think she's kinda weird looking but don't worry i don't think you look like her. it's just hilarious that she associated you with her look. hahaha.

    2. stupid that there's no toilet paper, but i laughed out loud when you said your friend literally saved your butt. i can only imagine.

    3. that you're drinking a fruity drink!

    love you! miss you!
