Thursday, July 22, 2010

a day and a life in spain.

i have to share something really fun with you. yesterday in my language class, we were obviously discussing the language of spanish. but we were also discussing other languages in general, and my professor decided to end the class with the following video. please, i ask you to watch this. i hope you find it as humorous as i did. here it is:

this story is a good one, but i think my parents and sisters would like it most- :)
today i was in the lobby studying because monica was still asleep and i didnt want to wake her. from a far away distance, i heard this faint sound of little girls laughing/talking/yelling- just behaving as normal little girls always seem to. the noise came closer and closer until 3 little girls all ran up to the main entrance of my dorm and it appeared as if they were waiting for someone to come let them in. finally a man (who looked like their dad) came and opened the door for them then told them to sit and wait in the lobby while he went upstairs to get something. what made this whole situation even more precious was that they were all speaking english, so i knew what they were saying.
as they sat across from me in the lobby, i just smiled as i noticed how oddly similar those 3 girls looked in age, looks and behavior- as my 2 sisters and i. i just love it when i see 3 little girls who are all somewhat similar in age. it just takes me back to my childhood.
the girls were obviously staring at me so i looked at them and asked them in english, ¨how old are you?¨ (but i wasnt sure if they would answer, knowing that little kids seem to be pretty good at ¨not talking to strangers¨). the older one gasped and said, ¨you speak english!? no one here your age speaks english!¨
i laughed and told her i was from america and that i was here studying spanish.
they seemed very intrigued as all 3 of them walked up to me and started getting closer and closer as if i was one of the famous disney characters at disneyland.
i eventually told them that i had 2 sisters back home as well. they LOVED hearing this.
¨oh!!! are you the oldest!?¨ the oldest girl asked me.
¨no, i am the middle child¨ i said as i smiled at the middle child of the 3.
¨oh! what does your older sister look like!?¨ the oldest child asked.
i told them that both my sisters looked a little like me but that they had pretty, blonde hair.
¨oooooohhhhhh......¨ they all said in unison, as if blonde hair was a foreign delicacy.
i just couldnt stop staring at the youngest girl as she rolled around the floor in her little diaper just humming some tune to herself. her acute features reminded me so much of when steph was little.
suddenly i heard someone walking down the stairs behind us.
¨quite the conversationalists aren´t they?¨ a man asked me.
¨they sure are!¨ i replied. ¨are these your daughters?¨
¨they sure are¨ he said.
he went on to tell me that he was here with a group of students from florida and he was the director of the program bringing them around and that his wife and girls came with this time as well.
¨well im actually 1 of 3 daughters, too¨ i shared with him.
¨ah.... well let me ask you, how did your parents do it?¨ he said with a laugh.
¨well, if my dad were here, he would tell you to just keep them busy. then they will stay out of trouble¨ i shared.
as we were talking, the middle child continued to crawl around his leg as if it was some pole out on the playground.
¨and did it work?¨ he asked with an intrigued look.
¨it sure did. we all turned out great and we´re best friends to this day.¨
¨well i´ll keep that in mind¨ he said with a laugh.
they took off out the door and i had a smile on my face as i felt like it was just yesterday when my sisters and i were that age.

i was walking to school today and i turned one of the corners at the main intersection in town. as i turned the corner, i saw 2 policemen standing there, which was odd because i had never seen policemen just standing around except for when spain won the world cup.
¨hm.....¨i thought to myself, just shrugging off the occurrence.
suddenly a man´s arm hit my bag as he went sprinting by me. i turned in his direction and saw that he was running at full speed. i then heard someone else running from behind me, and as i turned, i saw it was one of the policeman running after him. the policeman passed me as well and was off in pursuit of the man.
i took a closer look in the direction they were running and saw that several of the other men who were street vendors were quickly packing up their things that they were selling and also began running in the same direction as the other man. i tried to see if the first guy had anything in his hands that he had may be stolen, but i saw nothing. he sure was running fast.
pretty sure the policeman had no chance to catch him as the man ran with the endurance and speed of an olympian.
¨interesting.....¨ i thought to myself as i semi quickly walked away from the scene.
who knows what was really happening there...
but i guess these types of things are bound to happen everywhere, huh? ;)

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