Friday, July 30, 2010

a history bath, goodbyes and the start to another adventure.

the other night i took a history bath, yup.
monica, aileen, aileens friend maggie, and i went to the arab baths here in granada and literally took history baths!
we really had no idea what to expect. all we heard about it was, ¨you have to try it!¨
we walked in and it smelt soooooo amazing in the waiting area. everything was dimly lit (i loved that!) and very clean and classy. we signed in and they told us how the night would work and we got really excited!
we went and changed into our swimsuits and then walked to this massive, old stone door that we couldnt figure out how to open at first ;)
we walked into this big open area that was again, dimly lit and a bit misty/hazy. in this large room separated by old, medieval looking collumns were 7 different ¨baths,¨ 2 massage areas and a larger room where you could sit and have sweets and Moroccan tea.
the baths were all different in size and temperature. some resembled mini sized pools, others were more like regular hot tubs.
we were told that there were 6 warm baths and 1 cold one.
we walked around and tested each one to see which one was the cold one.
the girls chose one bath to start in and i took a picture of them and of some of the other baths. soon after, this woman approached me and told me that pictures were prohibited because it is a place of relaxation and the flash disturbs people.
whoops :)
this place was sooooo cool. everything was so old looking and the tiles and structures were so elaborate and unique. definately different than the typical spa back in the states ;)
everywhere we looked, we saw a sign that read ¨silencio.¨ and apparently they dont joke around with this word.
as monica was telling us about her day, she was talking somewhat loud as she has quite a projective talking voice.
suddenly, from a source we have yet to figure out, we hear, ¨ssshhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!¨ in quite the forceful tone.
whoops :)
that happened to us about 3 more times throughout the night as we figured out that they really do mean business with those ¨silencio¨ signs!
they probably get really annoyed of chatty american girls who come through every night ;)
we were all given a number when we went in but were not really sure what it was for.
all the sudden someone called our numbers and we got up and walked to the place where the lady who called our numbers stood. 3 other ladies stood there and led each one of us to a separate little room where we would lay down for a......wait.....A MASSAGE!? SWEET!!!!
they used scented oils that felt especially warm on my already hot back.
they massaged us for about 15 minutes.....and man.....those were some of the best 15 minutes i have had while here! it was awesome!!!! i almost fell asleep but i didnt let myself because i wanted to enjoy it!!
we then went back out and got some of the delicious Moroccan tea and continued to enjoy the baths. i made sure to try each one out (yes, even the cold one, brrrr!!!) and each one was a bit different. i loved it!
take a history bath in spain: check!

the baths were pretty much the last thing i have done this week that was eventful/worth mentioning due to the fact that i have pretty much been quarantined to my room on account of school.
oh wait, i guess i saw something a little strange on my way home tuesday night. i turned this corner on the street and saw an old WOMAN peeing right there on the side of the street. i seriously had to double take as i wasnt sure why she was in an awkward half squat position when i first saw her. i then saw the liquid coming out of her and it was confirmed. ew.
the strange thing about this is that people were walking by her and acting like it was no big deal.
um, what!?!!?! this is disgusting! definately not allowed in the states. and i guess that is one other thing i like more about the states than here.
oh, well i guess there is another thing i like more....while were on this topic.
i dont know what it is about this week, but there have been 6 DIFFERENT times (yes, i counted) that i have walked by a pile of dog crap RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the sidewalk.
ok again, WHAT!?!?!
¨dear spanish dog owners, please bring your dogs to a park to do their business. OR, pick up their crap so that people like the poor man in front of me dont step in their **** while trying to walk down the side of the street. thank you very much. -katie¨
aye aye aye.

ok, i am quite excited right now because i just finished my last exam and am officially done with school for the summer!!! yay!!!
complete a session of school in a foreign country: check!

all i have left to really do is pack up my stuff in my room and say goodbye to the awesome people i have met here.
today at lunch, almost all of us American students were there at the same time, and one of them proposed we do a standing ovation for our cook, antonio. who, i can say with confidence, must be one of the best cooks in spain! ;)
he was very surprised by our praise and yelled out, ¨vale, vale, ya se, ya se!¨ implying, ¨ok, ok you guys.... i already know im great!¨ hahaha. oh antonio.
as i pack up and leave a city that has offered nothing but beauty, excitement, challenges and joy to my life, i will leave one thing behind, and that is the totally different person who came here and had no idea what she was getting herself into ;)
i leave here with a new perspective and appreciation for culture and life outside of what ive grown up in.

now, off to barcelona for a few days to visit and explore what is said to be, one of the most popular and beautiful cities in the world.

i love you granada, see you later ;)

1 comment:

  1. awwww that's SO PRECIOUS! Yeah, studying abroad def opens up your eyes to a whole new world and opens up your heart to a whole new set of people and culture. THAT is something that can NEVER be taken away! I'm SO GLAD you did this, Kates!

    Also, 1) in Italy, there is also a "no-pick up rule" for dogs and their poop, so it IS all over and stinks at times....DEF, gotta watch where you step
    2) i was in the park by my apartment in rome and this one little girl about like 3-4 yrs old had to pee, so her mom just brought down her tights, held her by the legs so she was in a somewhat sitting position and let her pee in the street! i was like uh ok!
    3) to go along with the pee story, there's italians that think it's legal for Americans to vomit in the US because they've seen American students vomiting in the street bc of too much to drink so many times in Italy, kinda sad huh??

    awww yay! i'm so happy for you!
